Aikido in Fredericksburg is a 501(c)3 nonprofit educational corporation. We use donations to support our educational mission. We try to reach out to as many children and adults as possible and your donations make this a reality.
We have also set up two separate funds, allowing you to choose where your donation goes, if you wish. We are very appreciative of any donations we receive, so we can continue our work with the community.
Your donations are tax deductible!
We have created a world-class training center for Aikido and to support the local community, the “Shin Dojo.” Contributions to this fund help us operate and maintain this new headquarters.
As part of our outreach efforts, providing scholarships and educational grants will further our charitable purposes and make Aikido education available to a broader cross-section of the community. In particular, from time to time offer scholarships to at-risk youths. Eligibility is determined by the Board of Directors, or its subcommittee, in a nondiscriminatory fashion to those persons that have shown an interest in Aikido and a demonstrated need for economic support. You can check our Community Page to see the organizations we work with.
Donations that are not applied to either of the above funds will be used toward the organization’s most pressing needs at the time of the donation.
Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Donations over $50.00 will be acknowledged with a letter for your tax purposes.
If you would like to donate items, labor, or time, we are most appreciative. Below, you can find the Dojo’s current wish list. Feel free to reach out to us to discuss other ways you can support our mission.
Shin Dojo Wish List:
- “Adopt a Mat” – $100 each, 83 are still available.
- Plant ID tags for nature walk – $400
- Passenger Van – $15,000
- 18′ tall folding ladder to maintain lights, etc., in the mat room – $700
- Propane-powered standby generator so the Dojo can be used as an emergency shelter for the community – $18,000
Other Ways to Donate:
We are a qualified charity in iGive, which allows you to shop and donate at the same time.
We are also qualified at GoodSearch and GoodShop. Donating is easy while you shop for great deals.
We are a qualified charity in ShopRaise, which allows you to shop and donate at the same time.
You are always welcome to donate via snail-mail too:
Aikido in Fredericksburg
Attention: Treasurer
6155 Hickory Ridge Road
Spotsylvania, VA 22551 USA